Hospital And SedationIf necessary, we can provide dental services under either procedural sedation in our office or general anesthesia in hospital. Hospital services are provided at Summerland Health Centre (SHC) 5 days per month and at Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) one day per month. Because of the nature of each facility and its staff, only medically complex patients are admitted to KGH. Healthy children or children with minor medical issues are admitted to SHC.

The program at SHC is an exclusive relationship between our office and the Interior Health Authority with funding from IHA to provide OR staff, digital radiography and instrumentation for pediatric dental care in the Interior Health Authority Pediatric Dental Surgery Program. Our wait list at SHC is approximately 4-5 months whereas other IHA hospitals have longer waits for dental surgery. Our administrative staff are available to discuss these services with you.