Toothpaste, what works?

In several recent articles we have discussed both toothbrushes and toothbrushing, but havenʼt said much about the stuff you put on the brush! Our previous articles on the topic can be found on our website: While shopping around in the pharmacy, grocery store, or natural food store, you have likely noticed that toothpaste comes [...]

Food & tooth decay: A child’s diet can create a perfect storm for tooth decay

Why do children suffer tooth decay? In a word - FOOD! When parents are asked what they think is the reason their children have decay, most respond "poor brushing" or "not flossing". While everyone knows these are important in maintaining good oral health, few know that it is the child’s diet which can create [...]

First dental visit at 1 year old

Every time you take your child to see a physician for well child visits, there is always a series of age appropriate questions that helps the physician assess how things are moving along from a health perspective as well as developmental milestones etc. The same goes for dental visits. When parents bring their children to [...]

Are My Child’s Teeth Soft?

This a very common question. Many parents of children with cavities are concerned that their child’s teeth are soft, thus increasing their cavity risk. Many parents falsely blame their children’s poor dental health on “soft” teeth” Before we can answer this question we need to discuss the different tissues from which teeth are made. Teeth [...]

Common Teething Questions – Part 1

Most of us donʼt recall from childhood the events surrounding teething. There are a great many questions generated by parents regarding this topic, which happens in several stages, and so, here we will provide some insights as to when, how and why teething occurs. One of the most common questions about teething is regarding when [...]

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